Monday, January 4, 2016

Being Strong

I’ve always liked to have considered myself a strong person. Physically strong, yes, but I would like to think that I’m more than that. We all do to some degree. I would love to think that I am the master of my life and keeper of my destiny. I would love to believe that no matter what happens in life, it’s leading me to the end goal where I want to be. I want to believe that success is just a few inches away. The funny thing is, I do believe all of that and more!

Everyday, I look at what I’m doing, where I’ve been and where I’m headed, and I make small adjustments. This is much like sailing a ship or driving to a destination. With a ship, one must make small corrections in course, to maintain the correct path to the final destination. When driving, a road might be closed or a route might have changed, and corrections must be made to adjust. Life’s journey is the same way.

Many people go through life, allowing it to carry them along like a river current. They float through life without a destination or purpose. They basically live life by default and what ever good things might happen, they happen at the hands of others, or worse, the hand of fate. I look at life and I have decided that I want to reach a final destination as a writer. I write daily. I look for places to post my works and explore places where I can get paid for what I love to do. The more I look, the more I do and the more I try, the more work I get and the closer I get to becoming someone that is recognized for the words that I put together to make people laugh, think and consider.

Each of us have this internal drive. Many of us, in this day and age, try to ignore it and shove it aside; bury it so that we don’t have to face what our potential could be. My challenge to each of you, is to let that part of you shine through. Explore your inner desires and do your best to release your full potential. If everyone in the world did this, just imagine what we could accomplish, create and become!


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