Monday, September 7, 2015

Humility is not Weakness

Humility happens when one thinks of him or herself as not being the important thing in the universe. This may sound easy to do. Now, think of the universe as only being your universe. Not quite as simple.

We are all the center of our own worlds. We’re told that in order to care for others, we have to care for ourselves. The importance of self-worth is impressed on us from the time we’re very young. We’re also taught the importance of accepting others, not judging and overlooking the faults of others. In essence, we’re put into a situation where we have to weigh the importance of what we’ve been taught and use them against each situation that comes up based on how they affect us.

It’s important that when things come up, we try not to allow them to get under our skin, but accept that people are all different and have behaviors that to them, are who they are, but to us might be unacceptable. Things that we can’t accept will continue to haunt us and take away from the good things that we need to focus on in our lives.

By helping others, in a kind and humble way, we continue to climb the path to excellence that we are meant to reach. By focusing on the negative in others, we lose our way on our path of progression.

Become a leader. Become a positive light in the negative darkness of the world. Be humble and let your humility shine!