Sunday, June 25, 2017


We are all told that we have “potential” almost everyday of our life. Potential. What does that mean? It’s a word that’s used a lot. “You have such great potential,” someone might say. Do you believe them?

The word comes from the Latin word, potentialis, a word that comes from another Latin word, potentia which means power! So when we’re told that we have potential, it is being said that we have power. Power to do what exactly? I would like to think, and pass along, that it’s the power to do anything you want!

Life gives us a road map that shows us how to get to where ever we want to go. It’s up to us to watch the signs along the way on our journey, to see where life wants to take us. So how do we do this?

There are times when we get so caught up in the negatives of life, that we don’t see what life is telling us. We tend to think about how much life is cheating us of the good things we deserve, how unfair it is that we didn’t get the raise, that someone else is more fortunate than we. When we get swept away with the negative tide of life, we stop looking for and at the positive and fall into depression that takes us away from what really belongs to us.

It’s important to watch the clues around us because life is filled with positives. When we tap into these positives, we take control of our lives and can steer ourselves more toward a better and more productive life. We all have goals and dreams that we want to reach, and many times we look at the obstacles to overcome more than easy way to get there.  Life is really on our side, and once we truly realize this, we’ll be well on our way to achieving more than we ever thought possible.

So remember, your potential is power. We all have it inside of us, but we can only tap into it through a positive outlook and daily, positive affirmation that life is here to bring us to our dreams and goals and give us all that we desire. Let nothing stand in your way. Your life is yours, and shouldn’t be controlled by any negative, outside influences. Take control of your life and allow it to help you reach where you really and, and deserve, to be in life.

Drew Bankston