Sunday, December 25, 2016

My New Year!

My New Year

Monday, December 26th, is my New Year. That’s right. It’s not the same as everyone else. It doesn’t begin on January 1st but it begins on December 26th. That’s when I make my resolutions. That’s when I begin planning for the next 365 days. That’s the day when I decide how I’m going to work each day, to get myself to that point in life where I become the person that I want to be in the eyes of my fans, friends, family and loved ones.

Monday is my new year. My birthday. The beginning of my new year. I’ll probably take December 31st to reaffirm the resolutions that I make on my birthday. I’ll take the month of January to decide if I made the right decisions. I’ll decide if I need to tweak anything in order to reach the goals that I want to reach. I’m going to do the things that I need to do, to be successful this coming year and be the best person, the best writer and the best businessman that I can be.

I know that no one can change overnight. I understand that change, no matter how well intended, needs to be planned out, prepared for and executed in such a way as to ensure success. If you don’t do that why even bother? I’ve seen so many people who decide that tomorrow is the day when they will begin a new behavior. They do so without any preparation, and they end up failing in their efforts.

I’ve taken this past year to try different things just to see what would work, and what wouldn’t, and now I’ve come up with a plan. It’s going to be tough. It’s going to be the most difficult year of my life, but in the end, it’s going to be worth it, and every year after this will be the best, the most fun and the most wonderful years of my life.

I want each of you to come with me on this journey. I will keep you updated on my progress and I would love to hear from you with your thoughts, suggestions and comments. You can post your thoughts here, or feel free to Email me at  If you go to my website ( and sign up to be on my mailing list as part of my team, you’ll most likely have the opportunity to get free books, free other stuff and help me get this year underway. So, yeah, tomorrow is the first day of my new year and a year that’s going to be incredible. Tomorrow will begin the best of all years that I’ve ever lived. Come. Join me. Let’s make this year the very best, together.

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