Monday, March 14, 2016

It’s Taken Care of…

It’s Taken Care of…

by Drew Bankston

I look around at people and see the worry and concern that they have for their lives, and I have to wonder…why?

Okay, truth be told, I don’t really wonder why. I used to be right there, and righty so! There wasn’t a month go by when I wasn’t worried about something. Mostly money. I think that we all worry about money at least once in our lives. I had other worries too, though, oh yes sir I certainly did! When I look back on things I really wonder why I was so worried.

Here I am, so many years later, and not without worry, but my worries are somehow fewer than they used to be. Life has not, by any means, become simpler, but I have come to understand it better.

One of the biggest things that I’ve found is the need to play. We’ve all heard it before. When we’re kids, out work is play…and so on. The fact of the matter is that we are no longer kids. We are adults. We have responsibilities, lives, jobs, families, bills and payments and probably a lot more than I have time to list here. We do however, have one thing that can benefit us, reduce our stress, lessen our worry and make us feel so much better in life. It’s something that won’t cost you anything unless you want it to. It’s a gift that allows you to live a little better. I know that you’re wondering what this miracle is, and how you can get it. Here it comes! Relaxation.

Okay, so now you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about. Take a look at the title of this blog. So many of us just go, constantly, without stopping, and never give ourselves the opportunity to relax. We go straight from one project into another, without taking any time to reset. Some of us, only take five minutes to relax. What the heck is that? How do you relax, or do you? Do you take time to sit down with a good book and a cup of tea, or glass of wine. Do you rest your mind as well as your body? Here’s the advice: Take a break! When, as the title indicates, it’s taken care of and the project is over (or the day for that matter) give yourself the time that you need to relax. Rest your body and your mind. Don’t say that you don’t have the time. Make the time and time will make way for your needs. It’s really amazing how it all works and comes together. Try it. That’s all I’m asking. Give it a couple of days and see if I’m not right about this. You’ll feel so much better and get so much more done, you won’t believe it.

Melt your troubles and worries away, become more productive, and live a better life by relaxing on a regular basis. Take a walk. Read a book. Look at art. Listen to music. Do whatever it is that helps you to relax and reset, and the world will be yours for the taking. Come on, try it.

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