All You Have to Do, is…
By Drew Bankston
Dream. We all have dreams. Some of them become passions.
Others fade with time and become forgotten memories that will be brought up to
grandkids later in life as something that we wanted to have come to into reality,
but for whatever reasons, they never did.
I have a dream, which is huge to me. It’s a dream that
encompasses numerous other smaller dreams. Over the past five years I’ve worked
on this dream. Being human, I haven’t always done everything that I could,
everyday, to reach my dreams and goals. Lately, I’ve been more focused on where
I want to be and how I want to get there. My big dream has become much more
important to me.
Over time, my dream has evolved. At one time, my dream was
to be a published author. I’ve reached that dream now, having published twelve
books and working on five more right now. Now my dream is to become an author
in demand. I look forward to the day when I have a following of people who
anticipate my next book. Right now, I’m working on how to do that. My dream
also includes allowing my wife to be able to do whatever she wants, whether
it’s working or not.
It’s very strange to me how this has to come to pass. I’ve
never been one to brag about myself or what I do, but I’m finding out that
first and foremost, I have to be my number one fan. I love my stories, and my
characters and I love to share them with people. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not
about money, but it’s about the love of writing and sharing my words with
others. So, you might ask, what has made this dream become more important? It’s
easy to explain.
It was five and a half weeks ago that I suddenly developed
double vision. On a recent visit to the eye doctor, I was told that my vision
has improved a small amount. I can move my right eye and additional five
degrees. I’m not really certain what that means, but in reality, I’m not seeing
much better than I was before that visit. In fact, most of today it has seemed
like it’s been worse. Being a writer with double vision is tough. My eyes get
tired very quickly trying to focus on the screen. My dream is still my dream
and I wonder what will happen to that dream should my vision never improve.
So over the
past few weeks, I’ve been trying harder, taking risks, reading when I can about
how to make this a reality. I will make
this dream come true. I will find
ways to share these things with you.
In the meantime, I encourage all of you to please look at
your dreams. Figure out how to make them come true. Don’t wait until something
happens that either forces you to act, or makes you give up. Dreams are your
wishes that have the ability to become reality, but they need your help to do
so. I’m working hard, daily, to make mine a reality. I believe that you can
make yours come true as well!
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