Sunday, September 17, 2017

Crazy Little Thing Called...

Crazy Little Thing Called...
A Crazy Little Thing Called……

By Drew Bankston

Love. It’s everywhere we look and every place we go. It permeates our popular music. It’s in television commercials and is used to sell a myriad of products. We have an entire day devoted to it. We try to promote it between ourselves to make the world a better place. We share it with everyone and find those special people to share it more deeply with. There is always one person, however, that we tend to forget. One of the most important people in our lives. The one and only person without whom we would never be able to survive. We sometimes forget to love ourselves!

As individuals, we are the hardest person to forgive when it comes to, well, just about anything. So many people look at who they are and either want to change or wish that they had changed a long time ago. If we attempt to change and are unsuccessful, we chastise ourselves and become, many times, sullen and withdrawn. We are our own most powerful critics. Is this the way we should be?

We tend to forgive others of their shortcomings, so why would we not do the same for ourselves? It’s important for us to treat ourselves as good or better than we treat others.

Raising our opinions of ourselves is one of the most critical things that we can do. How can we treat others with respect, with love or kindness if we can’t do the same with ourselves? Make it a goal today to learn to make you the most important person in your life so that you can more effectively treat others the best possible and make the world the best place ever, to live.

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