Sunday, August 26, 2018

Getting to Know...

Getting to Know…

This past weekend I had the pleasure and opportunity to sit at a table at Comic-Con in Fort Collins, Colorado. It was my job to sell books, specifically, my books. As many of you know I’ve written and published 12 books. I absolutely love selling my books at conventions but more than that I love meeting the people that want to read my books.

It was wonderful meeting so many people this weekend, but one fan stuck out more than others. Her name is Sky.

Sky is a younger girl about 10 or 11 years old. She timidly came up to my table with her parents and looked at one particular book, “The Sounds of Tomorrow” which is quickly becoming one of my most popular books, in fact, last year and this as well, I sold out of that particular book. She picked up the book and told me that she came to the convention last year and bought that book. She proceeded to tell me how much she loved it. She told me that she did a book report on the story for her school and that she loved it so much that she wanted to buy another copy. I was very touched and provided her with another copy. She then, very timidly again, asked if I would sign it for her. When I did, her face lit up and she thanked me over and over. My heart soared. This was an amazing event not only at this convention but in my life.

After this happened and Sky left, it made me realize that each person who reads my stories has feelings about what they just read. I remember when I wrote this story and how much fun it was developing the characters and the plot and the storyline. It was so much fun watching the entire story develop. Many authors plan out their stories from beginning to end, but I come up with the idea and then let the characters write the story. It’s always amazing to me how each story ends. So to have so many people loving this particular story makes me so humble and grateful.

I want to get to know each of you and what you think about my books. I would encourage each of you, if you want, to write to me at and tell me what you like or dislike about my stories. Tell me a little about yourself. Help me get to know who you are.

Many thanks to you all for being a fan to one degree or another. Each of you makes my life happy and my heart skip a beat. I hope to get to meet each of you someday.

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