Sunday, October 15, 2017

Another Week of...

Another week of…

By Drew Bankston

Continuing on the news from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, I have heard more this week, and with every bit of new news, the forthcoming trip becomes more and more exciting!

I think about this every day and really can’t wait for the day to arrive when I’m ready to board that plane and head out on this adventure. I’ll be posting lots of photos and will do a few live broadcasts while in the Big Apple, so watch for it all to join in the fun

This week they sent out the list of people who would be attending the rehearsals and the parade. This is exciting because it’s becoming more real seeing the names of the one hundred and fifty people from all around the country, who will be singing with me to bring joy and happiness to not only the people in New York watching the parade but those who will be viewing the parade from all around the world!

I’ve always enjoyed the holidays. At home, I bake up a storm, decorate as much as possible, blast holiday music and generally spread the holiday cheer wherever I go. I am a big part of the holidays at home, but this year I feel as if I’ll be even a bigger part of the holidays to many around the world. What an incredible thought! Now, as much as I would love to, don’t expect cookies or holiday cakes and candies from me. I would really love to be in a position to bake those for you, but unless you live close, it’s not going to happen… this year.

I’m working on many projects, one of which at least I hope will give me a little more freedom and a little more money to help me make the holidays wonderful for many more people. I’ll tell you more about that in a future blog. In the meantime, I’m excited to sing for you this Thanksgiving Day and hope that not only will each if you watch but that you’ll spread the word and ask your friends to follow my blog and watch the fun as well.  Check back next week for more information on this fun adventure!

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