Monday, June 27, 2016

Life Goes On

The other day I learned that my father had passed away. I didn’t hear it from immediate family and I didn’t even hear about it the day he died. In fact, it was two days later that a distant relative contacted me and told me what had happened. I thought that my sister or my step mom would have contacted me, but that wasn’t how it played out. But that’s not what this article is all about, so to the point.

It was two days after his death that I was told about it. In the meantime, life went on. Since then, life continued. It made me realize that even when someone close passes away, life goes on.

I guess I realized that with all of the celebrities that have passed this year, but they weren’t someone close that I had known. I didn’t know that my dad had passed away, and my life continued on as it did each and every day. I woke up, I worked, I provided transportation to my family and did everything that I did all of the time. Even though my father was gone, I still had life to live.

We all lose someone, but until we don’t wake up one morning, we have a choice to make a difference. We have a choice, each and everyday that have breath in our bodies, to make someone else smile, to make someone else feel good about themselves and to tell someone that we love them or forgive them. The moment that we stop breathing or our heart stops beating for the last time, we loose that opportunity. As long as life goes on, we can make a difference in the lives of others.

Your life is going on. If it wasn’t then you probably wouldn’t be reading this. Take a moment to think of someone else. Take another moment to say a kind word and smile at someone. Change a life one small deed at a time. When that person leaves, you’ll remember that moment for the rest of your life.

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