We, as human beings, are very complex creatures when it comes to emotions and emotional responses to the actions of others. Sometimes we don’t even know why we feel what we feel. What if you could walk into any situation? Any situation at all! What if you could immediately know what the person facing you was feeling. What if you could tell, in a crowded room, what each and every person was feeling? Further more, what if you could, with a thought, change what any of them were feeling into whatever you wanted them to feel? You could make a person trust you. Make them love you. Make them hate someone else. Make them trust you. Make them feel pleasure when they saw you. How many emotions do we have? I started to write a list, but it became too long and took up too much time. So, let’s just suffice it to say that there are a lot of emotions! Now, let’s move on to the next part of this equation.
What if everyone had this ability? Well, maybe not everyone, just everyone on your planet. There would have to be certain social rules in place to make sure that people acted in a respectable manner. After all, we can’t just go around influencing everyone to like us, trust us and fall in love with us. So, certain rules need to be established and there needs to be some way to recognize when someone is invading your privacy. We’ll call it a “brain buzz” and use that to give someone a general idea that someone else is trying to influence them. You know that someone is trying, which is rude, but you don’t know who, but you’ve learned as you were growing up, that you could block others from doing this if you felt it was necessary. It takes concentration and probably isn’t that fun to do, but when someone is being rude, you need to take the time and energy, to show them that you are not someone to be trifled with. No sir.
So, there we have the ground rules. And obviously, no one plays poker where Permac comes from. But, what if you were to leave your planet, like Permac did. Poker might be an interesting game to be involved with. Your next question, however, might be, “What does Permac’s race look like?” and that would be an excellent question. They look pretty normal, really, except for their clawed fingers. That does make them look like another species though, and I’ll talk about that in my next blog. In the meantime, keep your feelings private and make certain that you know who’s controlling them. Let’s hope it’s you!
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