Sunday, September 9, 2018

So Sick Of...

So Sick of…

By Drew Bankston

We’ve heard it before and each of us has probably said it at least once. “I’m so sick of my job,” “I’m so sick of this traffic,” “I’m so sick of this person or that person,” “I’m so sick of being sick.” Even though we say it, and there is a very good possibility that we truly mean it at the time we say it, a good night’s sleep will usually take care of it with only a few lingering remnants left over at the morning light. Sometimes, however, a good night’s sleep doesn’t do the trick. What happens then?

For most of us, we will continue to put up with the situation until something happens that forces us to deal with it. In the meantime, we feel like we’re being used and are miserable. Why do we do this to ourselves?

We fall into situations that don’t seem to fit with us but we stick with them because we become comfortable in our discomfort. It’s easier to put up with the discomfort of the situation than it is to try and change it. Once we realize that the fact we are sick and tired of a situation and that acting to change it will make our lives easier, then we quit complaining about it and do something to change the situation.  Don’t worry. I do the same thing, but I’m getting better. I’m actually sick of complaining, so the best way to handle it is to have nothing to complain about.  In order to do that, I have to evaluate my life and adjust it daily. If my job is getting to me, I need to start looking around for something else. I need to act on the situations and stop reacting to them. Only then can I, and you, be in control of our own lives and stop being so sick of, well, everything! Let’s give it a try, shall we?

Sunday, September 2, 2018

When the Day...

When the Day…

We all have those days. You know what they are. Those days when you just don’t want to go to work. You don’t want to stay there after you showed up. You would love to feign sickness and head home. Some days, it happens more often than you’d like. But, being the responsible person that you are, you go to work, you stay at work, and only wish that you could make it stop.

There are those fortunate few who can walk out and find another job within a few days of walking away, but for most of us, that’s not the case. So why do you think that we become dissatisfied with the jobs that we depend on to help us pay our bills? What changes from the time that we walk in and fall in love with this position?

We often fall in love with the idea of what we think the job will entail and then become disappointed when it turns out to be just another hob. It’s not like finding a restaurant that we begin going to and then fall in love with. We have those fun things in life where the more often we do them, the more we enjoy them,. Making new friends and hanging out. Finding a new place to go where we learn the names of those new friends and then learn what we have in common. Life becomes more and more fun.

At work, however, we can become tired of the routine. The fun leaves once the newness wears off and it’s difficult for us to find that again. So how can we do that?

So often, the fun wears off because we let it do so. We can often rekindle that feeling we had by looking for new things in our jobs, new challenges to overcome, and new territory to explore. If you try that and nothing changes then perhaps it really is time to find something different, because going into a job day after day that you don’t love, will just eat you up from the inside out.

So evaluate your situation honestly, try one more time to make things better, and if it doesn’t improve from the inside out, then work hard to find that new direction from the outside in!